The fact that a blood type is related to our character and body

Global ABO World
Face of researcher

Masahiko Nomi
B Type ,(1924-1981)
Masahiko Nomi was born in 1924.(-1981) B Type He graduated from Tokyo University's Department of Engineering.Nomi began his writing career by becoming Japan's first radio scriptwriter while still at Tokyo University. He also proved to be an excellent Sumo commentator.Nomi's interest in the connection between blood type and human disposition was aroused by his elder sister while he was a high school student. His sister showed him the chart which you see below.
"Blood type and human character can be related somehow. This chart shows the relationship between blood type and interpersonal compatibility."
Although the source of the chart is uncertain, Nomi's sister could have made the original herself.
After that, Nomi kept his eye on people in every human relationship, including family, friends, business, etc., in order to observe them through his specific lens - blood type.
His occupation as a writer, combined with his openhearted personality, endowed him with numerous acquaintances. This helped him greatly in developing his powers of observation of the human being.
Nomi continued observing people by blood type for thirty years. In 1971, he decided to publish a book about the links between blood type and human disposition based on his observations. He believed his theory was correct, although he had some concerns. To his surprise, the book created an even greater sensation than he had expected. Convinced of his theory by this success, he commenced formal research and study, through which he collected up to 100,000 items of research data, including the blood types of specialists from various fields, questionnaires and statistical analyses. The link between blood type and human disposition indicated by all of these research results was so strong that even Nomi himself was astonished. He called this research "Blood Type Humanics" and proposed that it be developed as a new scientific field.
After Masahiko Nomi died, his son, who had assisted him as both a secretary and a student in the field, succeeded him in his work. Now, pursuant to his father's will, Toshitaka Nomi is actively spreading this study among the population. It is our ambition to spread Blood Type Humanics throughout the world.

Toshitaka Nomi
A Type ,(1948-2003)
A message from Toshitaka Nomi
In America, studies on the link between blood type and physical constitution or disease are in their initial stages, and a book named "EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR TYPE" (Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo) was the latest sensation. Of course, the American data still seems to be inadequate and analysis needs to be more precise.
Blood type chemistry is the only known objective standard by which to differentiate among the physical composition of all creatures, including human beings. Masahiko Nomi collected, compared and classified innumerable data on blood type, human character and behavior, which led him to propose the establishment of "Blood Type Humanics". Thus, he marked his contribution to a new field in the science of human nature.
Hundreds of thousands of items of data have been collected through questionnaires on disposition and behavior, and through research on various specialties including sports. Blood type characteristics are very interesting, and in our daily life striking characteristics can be experienced.
However, to what extent do we understand the innovation and possibility of this new field of science?
Since this field of study was born as a popular science to be developed by the general public, the knowledge and information it provides must be interesting, practical and readily exchangeable. However, popular terms used to describe human character are often laden with misunderstanding, discrimination and prejudice. These must be discarded. Blood Type Humanics is not a measure by which to evaluate a person.
The science of human nature has only just begun. Discussions about the human mind have always been subjective and inaccurate. Indeed, in the past we knew nothing about the human mind.
But now we have found an objective standard. We hope we can review human behavior and social phenomena through ABO blood type.
Needless to say, so far all we can do is look with a scientific eye at some trifling part of this complicated creature.
The science of human nature cannot be so easily explained by blood type alone. Still, this will be the first step in exploring the unknown world.
Summer, 1999